The tongue twisters will perfectly suit you for improving of Speech. In addition, tongue twisters are great for:
- improving the pronunciation of complex sentences;
- the formation of the correct pronunciation of words in both children and adults;
- fun and useful pastime with friends or family;
- improving English or Russian
For your use, a large number of both Russian and English tongue twisters have been added.
In our application you can listen to the correct pronunciation of absolutely all tongue twisters right in the app!
The application "tongue twisters for the improving of speech" has an understandable and convenient interface, it works WITHOUT the Internet, which makes it possible to proceed with convenient and productive development of speech both for children and adults.
Even in a short time you will be able to improve your knowledge of both Russian and English by training Russian or English tongue twisters, the number of which is constantly growing!
In addition, we offer you a unique opportunity:
- add your tongue twisters;
- edit existing tongue twisters;
- remove tongue twisters;
In addition, you can add tongue twisters to your favorites. The tongue twisters are sorted by complexity and in letters. Each time you start the application, tongue twisters will be displayed in random order, which will greatly improve the learning process.
The twisters lidah sempurna akan sesuai dengan anda untuk meningkatkan Ucapan. Di samping itu, twisters lidah yang besar untuk:
- meningkatkan sebutan ayat kompleks;
- pembentukan sebutan yang betul bagi perkataan dalam kedua-dua kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa;
- menyeronokkan dan hobi yang berguna dengan rakan-rakan atau keluarga;
- meningkatkan bahasa Inggeris atau Rusia
Untuk kegunaan anda, jumlah yang besar dari kedua twisters lidah Rusia dan Inggeris telah ditambah.
Dalam permohonan kami, anda boleh mendengar sebutan yang betul benar-benar semua twisters lidah betul-betul di app!
Aplikasi "twisters lidah untuk memperbaiki bersuara" mempunyai antara muka yang mudah difahami dan mudah, ia berfungsi TANPA Internet, yang membolehkan untuk meneruskan pembangunan yang mudah dan produktif bersuara kedua-dua kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa.
Walaupun dalam masa yang singkat anda akan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan anda kedua-dua Rusia dan Inggeris dengan melatih twisters Rusia atau bahasa Inggeris, bilangan yang berkembang secara berterusan!
Selain itu, kami menawarkan anda peluang yang unik:
- menambah twisters lidah;
- edit sedia ada twisters lidah;
- membuang twisters lidah;
Selain itu, anda boleh menambah twisters lidah ke kegemaran anda. The twisters lidah disusun mengikut kerumitan dan dalam surat. Setiap kali anda memulakan aplikasi, twisters lidah akan dipaparkan dalam susunan rawak, yang banyak akan meningkatkan proses pembelajaran.
The tongue twisters will perfectly suit you for improving of Speech. In addition, tongue twisters are great for:
- improving the pronunciation of complex sentences;
- the formation of the correct pronunciation of words in both children and adults;
- fun and useful pastime with friends or family;
- improving English or Russian
For your use, a large number of both Russian and English tongue twisters have been added.
In our application you can listen to the correct pronunciation of absolutely all tongue twisters right in the app!
The application "tongue twisters for the improving of speech" has an understandable and convenient interface, it works WITHOUT the Internet, which makes it possible to proceed with convenient and productive development of speech both for children and adults.
Even in a short time you will be able to improve your knowledge of both Russian and English by training Russian or English tongue twisters, the number of which is constantly growing!
In addition, we offer you a unique opportunity:
- add your tongue twisters;
- edit existing tongue twisters;
- remove tongue twisters;
In addition, you can add tongue twisters to your favorites. The tongue twisters are sorted by complexity and in letters. Each time you start the application, tongue twisters will be displayed in random order, which will greatly improve the learning process.